“Pupils say they feel safe. Leaders and staff work well with pupils and their families to support their emotional wellbeing and welfare.”
We pride ourselves on the deep partnerships between schools and between all stake holders. Discovery are based across Leicestershire, Rutland and Leicester City.
Each school in our trust owns its own Raising Achievement Plan (RAP) and self-evaluation form (SEF) which are completed by the Headteacher and senior leadership team.
Badgerbrook Primary School
We are a 2-form entry school in Whetstone in Leicestershire. We aim to enrich the lives of our pupils, their families and the community around us. At Badgerbrook we work together for educational excellence. Through a well-planned curriculum we strive to engage our pupils in learning and give them the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in life. We are inspiring tomorrow’s leaders, and it is our duty to prepare our pupils for jobs that do not yet exist.
Badgerbrook follows an Ethic of Excellence and we strive to be the very best we can be, learning from high quality models and examples. We place great importance on ensuring all staff receive relevant and high-quality professional development to enable them to develop excellence in our pupils. We believe that having high quality school environment, organisation and presentation of pupils’ learning and exemplary behaviour all have an impact on pupil outcomes.
Braunstone Community School
This is a vibrant, busy and exciting inner-city school which looks after and educates 448 children. We are ever ready in making sure that the children receive learning that is limitless through an enriched curriculum.
The school has a dedicated and hardworking staff who work tirelessly to support every child – striving to provide the best possible learning experiences both inside the classroom and out.
Our dedicated well-being team work at the heart of our school and provide care for the children and their families. They provide vital links between the community and us. To the school, parental involvement and engagement is paramount and, as such, families are frequently invited to come in and see what their children are learning.
Braunstone Community Primary School provides a level of togetherness, support and care that I feel allows children to flourish. They can try without the worry of getting things wrong and know that we will always support them to find a solution that best suits them.
The staff, children and advisory board have proudly relaunched the school’s new vision which can be accessed in further detail here. These words feed into everything we do – on a daily basis. We feel it is this vision that will help our children to aspire to be whatever they want, and, with the right attitude, they can achieve the targets they set themselves.
Captains Close
Welcome to our school, where we strive to make every day a happy memory for everyone in our community.
Learn to grow together, Enjoy every opportunity, Achieve the best we can, Fulfil our aspirations.
We are committed to providing a safe and inspirational environment for children to enjoy learning and enable them to achieve their best, irrespective of ability or circumstances. We encourage them to be curious about the world we live in within a creative and nurturing environment whilst offering real life contexts in which to apply their learning.
But most of all…we enjoy our learning! To really appreciate our school you should visit us. Please use the contact us link and we look forward to seeing you in the very near future.
Danemill Primary School
we do.
We are a school committed to celebrating our community and enjoying strong, collaborative partnerships. We learn about the history of our school and work to create our own memories. The village of Enderby was originally a Danish Settlement, hence the name of the school, Danemill Primary. The school was originally built in 1965 as a junior school, the local infant school was based on Townsend Road and in 2013 the two schools merged onto one site.
At Danemill we believe that a happy child is a child who will enjoy learning in a positive, inclusive and fun environment. Our aim is to ensure that each and every child fulfils their potential and is ready for the next stage in their education. Our key learning values are woven throughout our curriculum, curiosity, communication, reflection, resilience, motivation, creativity, collaboration and bravery.
We have high aspirations for all of our children and have developed a curriculum that supports the needs of our children. It is rich and inspiring as well as offering a broad range of experiences and opportunities. The core subjects of Maths, English, Science and P.E. are taught discreetly alongside PSHE and Computing whilst the foundation subjects are taught through a topic based approach. In order to engage and enthuse our pupils’ tangible links are made across all areas of the curriculum. Pupil and staff wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do, we aim to educate the whole child in order to enable them to be the best that they can be.
Danemill wants to provide an outstanding education with unforgettable memories for children within our Danemill family. If you would like to see the school in action then we would welcome the opportunity to show you around and answer any questions that you may have. Meanwhile, enjoy our website and social media channels which showcases just some of the fabulous learning taking place at Danemill Primary School.
Farndon Fields Primary School
We are a successful, friendly school set in beautiful grounds on the edge of Market Harborough. Our impressive grounds are used for sports and other curriculum activities throughout the year. We have a nature area and a small allotment, an outdoor classroom area and a sensory garden. We currently host a beehive showing our support for bio-diversity and the food chain and we have a small piece of land that we hope to develop for forest school learning opportunities. All members of our school community are encouraged to take a pride in their school and have input into further enhancing the appearance of our grounds.
Farndon Fields is a growing school in a rapidly growing community. We have high aspirations for all the children in our school ensuring they receive an innovative, creative curriculum that supports the children’s needs. We are incredibly passionate about improving health and later life choices for all the children in our care, impacting positively on the local community. A healthy school is essential to building and sustaining a learning environment. We have a school ethos that promotes health, well–being, self-esteem and resilience. These are the foundations for our children to be successful in all they do. The entire school community works hard to ensure that they reach their full potential. Our goal is to develop life-long learning characteristics in children that encourage self-leadership skills, helping them to feel successful as individuals, learners and critical thinkers.
If you would like to see the school in action, then we would welcome the opportunity to show you around and answer any questions that you may have. Meanwhile, enjoy our website and Twitter feed which showcases just some of the fabulous learning that takes place at Farndon Fields Primary School.
Fossebrook is a brand new school in Leicester Forest East. At present, we have classes from EYFS up to Year 5. The school will grow year on year as we welcome new children into EYFS. It will eventually have year groups EYFS to Y6 and is built to cater for 210 pupils.
We greatly value parents and families as key to children’s success in education and are particularly keen to involve you in your child’s learning, by letting parents know what is happening in class, and supporting you to be able to help your child.
Our ethos is firmly rooted in our belief in providing the best opportunities for all of our pupils and Fossebrook is:
Our aim is to recognise each child’s individual talents. We want pupils at Fossebrook to have memorable, lifelong learning experiences. Our school is very special: we have a learning environment to be proud of; amazing teachers and support staff; and as a result pupils are engaged, enthusiastic and proud of their school.
We welcome visitors and if you would like to look round our fantastic school, please contact the office to make an appointment.
Greystoke Primary School
At Greystoke we are working together to provide a safe, happy and stimulating environment so that all our children reach their full potential.
At Greystoke we aim:
Kibworth C of E Primary School
Kibworth C of E Primary School is truly a place of discovery. Our aim is for all children to develop their talents, reach their potential and be happy during their time with us. We provide an outstanding learning environment rooted in christian values, as a Church of England school we pride ourselves with the link with have with Leicester Diocese and the Parish of Kibworth.
We strive continually at the school to provide learning of the highest quality, being a teaching school, we are lucky to provide training and support through the affinity teaching school alliance.
Kibworth is an academy and enjoys the benefits of being part of the Discovery Academy Trust. We work collaboratively with other schools in the trust, sharing practice and resources, our school also prides itself in retaining its own autonomy.
Year on year the school has achieved high standards of attainment in literacy and numeracy. Children leave the school well above the national expectation for reading, writing and maths.
Our curriculum is outstanding, providing a broad range of experiences and opportunites. Children learn through themed topics to apply their literacy, numeracy and ICT skills.
We have qualified specialist teachers on site that teach high quality PE across the school. Our after school activities also provide a vast range of physical and creative experiences.
Our aim is to recognise each child’s individual talents, we want pupils at Kibworth to have memorable life long learning experiences. I believe our school is very special, we have a learning environment to be proud of, amazing teachers and support staff, and as a result pupils are engaged, enthusiastic and proud of their school.
Leighfield Primary School
At Leighfield Primary School we aim to provide a happy, yet challenging environment for all our pupils, where they can succeed and develop their full potential.
Leighfield is a small one-form entry school, located in a rural setting in the market town of Uppingham in Rutland. At Leighfield, we have a holistic approach which ensures there is a nurturing and caring ethos where children are encouraged to reach their full potential. Our school values are Resilience, Pride and Respect and we are passionate about providing our children with the very best opportunities and experiences that inspire them to succeed.
We are proud of the relationships that we have with our children, parents and the community. In partnership, we want to provide an outstanding education for the children at Leighfield to ensure they are well equipped to be lifelong learners and good citizens.
If you would like to find out more, then please telephone the school office to make an appointment. We would be delighted to show you around and answer any questions you may have.
Merrydale Junior School
We are proud of our children, their behaviour and many achievements. We provide a calm and happy atmosphere setting high standards of respect, courtesy, hard work and achievement for everyone.
Merrydale Junior School is a very special place. Visitors often comment positively on the children’s warm welcome, their enthusiasm and also on staff’s commitment and dedication. We understand the power of education and take very seriously our duty to give your children the best start in life.
Our learning community combines high expectations with quality learning and relationships to ensure that every child achieves a personal best.
As Headteacher, I am very proud to be a member of this community. We strive for continuous improvements in everything we do. Our commitment is to be the best we can be and to help your children become successful, happy and respectful young people. Their learning and personal development are our driving force. We believe that every child in our school should be treated as if they were our own.
Our curriculum is broad and balanced. English and Maths take priority and are included within other subject areas. We pride ourselves on our reading provision and support for all learners. We believe that we are well positioned to embrace the expectations in the new National Curriculum.
We want our children to have the skills necessary for the future – to be confident and competent members of a modern society.
We look forward to seeing you in school and working in partnership with you.
Mowmacre Primary School
Mowmacre Hill Primary School is very proud of the Mowmacre Hill community, but we also work further afield with other Primary schools. We are part of the Discovery Academy Trust which consists of 13 other schools across Leicester City, Leicestershire and Rutland. We have the privilege of working with Teachers and Staff members from all of these schools to share ideas and practice, of which then goes towards enhancing the learning experiences for our children. Collaboration is very important to us and ensures that our pupils and families receive experiences which are current and reflective of excellent teaching and learning
Our school is a fantastic place to be – we have a dedicated team who support our children, we strive for excellence and are united in providing experiences that will support children in their life-long learning. We encourage all children to have high aspirations – giving them experiences and a voice to aspire to what ever they wish to be. The well-being of our children is equally important to us and we put this at the heart of everything that we do for our pupils and their families. Our well-being team are well known in the community and provide a service that enhances, nurtures and supports our families where and when needed.
We work hard to ensure that our environment is safe and secure but also bright and colourful that reflects the high-quality learning that takes place. We strongly believe that children will achieve their full potential when they also have the support of their parents and local community, therefore as a school we work hard to build these relationships.
Our school values centre around four key areas – ‘Aspiration’, ‘Fortitude’, ‘Unity’, and ‘Innovation.’ We divide all our children into four ‘Houses’ named after these values and we meet regularly, allowing children of all ages across the school to work together on a shared theme. These events encompass all our values providing our children with the skills to communicate, investigate, imagine and to be brave to use their voices to share ideas.
Parkland Primary School
Parkland Primary is large primary school positioned on the Leicester City/Leicestershire border. We are part of Discovery Academy Trust (Discovery) who are a group of 13 like-minded schools that are aiming to deliver the best possible outcomes for primary age children across Leicestershire, Leicester City and Rutland. Parkland Primary School is an expanding school and we opened our very own pre-school in September 2015. It is our aim to give all of our pupils the best possible start in life.
The school boasts a professional, dedicated team and we strive for the highest possible standards of achievement and learning, as well as believing passionately that every child is unique with special talents and potential. We work hard to build successful relationships with parents, carers, the local community and the other schools in the Discovery Academy Trust as we believe that partnership is a key part of driving success for our pupils.
Our school vision is to provide the children at Parkland Primary School with an outstanding education and high aspirations for their future.
It is our mission to provide our pupils with a stimulating and engaging curriculum in a safe and secure environment. We believe that emotional wellbeing is essential in developing positive behaviour and academic success. We value and respect all individuals and our ethos gives our community the confidence to achieve their full potential and to be the best that they can be, and in doing so make a positive contribution to society.
Of course, the best way to find out about us is to visit. Interested visitors are warmly welcome. Please phone up to make an appointment with the office.
Redlands Primary School
It is the aim of the staff and governors at Redlands to ensure that all our children are happy and enjoy their time at school. We like to promote an environment in which every child has the potential to do their very best and be recognised for all their achievements. We have close links with our community and believe in working together to inspire the children to be proud of the place in which they live. Our parents are fantastic and work hard to support the school and we are a school that is very much at the centre of the village of Sileby.
At Redlands we believe in putting the children at the heart of everything that we do and this includes providing the children with a creative curriculum that is both exciting and inspiring. Our children have their learning brought to life by carefully planned opportunities that enthuse, engage and motivate our children to want to find out more.
We hope you find us a welcoming school, one where you know your child will flourish and realise their potential. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the school, we operate an ‘open door’ policy at Redlands and recognise the importance of communicating with the parents and families of the children in our care. We welcome visitors to our school and if you wish to come and have a look around please feel free to make an appointment by contacting the school office.
Whatever your reason for visiting us, you will be guaranteed a warm welcome.
Wellington Place Primary School
At Wellington Place Primary, we aspire to cultivate a vibrant, inclusive learning community where every pupil is empowered to learn, lead, achieve, and succeed. Guided by our core values of trust, joy, and continuous growth, we will foster an environment that celebrates individual voices, nurtures curiosity, and equips our pupils with the knowledge and skills to thrive. As a school, we are committed to partnering with our families and the wider community to unlock the boundless potential within each child, preparing them to make a positive impact on the world.
Woolden Hill Primary School
Woolden Hill Primary School is a one form entry primary school in the village of Anstey. We are very lucky to have a fantastic school environment for our pupils and excellent outdoor learning opportunities such as our own pond, Forest School and even Bradgate Park as our neighbour!
Woolden Hill Primary School is a vibrant school where children are enthusiastic and motivated to achieve endless possibilities. The children are at the heart of every decision we make to ensure that they are happy, confident and that the opportunities that are provided for them are relevant to their needs both now and in the future.
At Woolden Hill, we believe that children should be curious about their learning. Through our engaging curriculum, we ensure that children can foster a passion for learning that will help to develop high aspirations and a lifetime of memories. We believe in ensuring that children receive a well-rounded curriculum; where individual talents can be spotted and nurtured to ensure that all children experience success and reach their full potential. We are a Route To Resilience School and believe that providing opportunities for children to develop characteristics for effective learning and life.
The school has a dedicated team that works hard to reach high standards in everything we do and this is further embedded through our successful relationships with parents, the local community and the other schools in the Discovery Academy Trust. We firmly believe that education is a partnership between home and school and regard you as an active partner in your child’s education and value your interest and support.