Getting the most from online teaching and learning tools : Spotlight on CENTURY

1st December 2021

15:30 GMT

About this event

Embedding technology into the curriculum is not only vital for ensuring our children are prepared for the future but it also brings many benefits to the school environment, today.

However, with so many online learning tools out there, getting started can seem quite daunting.

Join us for this webinar, as we share our own experiences of using online tools to enhance teaching and learning, and we invite CENTURY Tech to discuss their learning platform, which uses AI to recommend learning to students and provides teachers with easy to access data to support assessment, interventions and planning.

During this webinar you will:

  • Explore the benefits of using digital learning platforms to enhance teaching and learning
  • Learn how to embrace the opportunities that artificial intelligence offer
  • Hear from teachers who are using CENTURY to create personalised learning pathways for their students
  • Discuss the impact it has had on learning and on reducing teacher workload
  • Find out how to get support with using online teaching and learning tools in the classroom and developing a digital strategy

The Speakers

Jo Stone
Digital Curriculum Lead Professional & EdTech Demonstrator, Discovery Trust
Victoria Coombs
Primary Lead, CENTURY
Iona Clark
Senior Account Manager, CENTURY
Grace Parrot
Year 5 Teacher, Kibworth CE Primary School
James Swingler
Blended Learning Champion, Kibworth CE Primary School
Laurie Davis
Year 4 Teacher, ICT Lead, Merrydale Junior School


CENTURY is the online teaching and learning tool that combines artificial intelligence with the latest research in learning science and neuroscience. It creates constantly adapting personalised pathways for every student and powerful intervention data for teachers.

Our intelligent intervention tool works in three ways:

  • The artificial intelligence engine creates personalised learning pathways that plug gaps in knowledge and remedy misconceptions.
  • Easy-to-use data dashboards aid teacher-led interventions. Students who need additional support or challenge are quickly identified.
  • Teachers are provided with thousands of high-quality resources for use in a variety of learning models including homework, classwork or revision.


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Getting the most from online teaching and learning tools: Spotlight on CENTURY

1 December 2021, 15:30 GMT


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The EdTech Demonstrator Programme is a FREE national peer-led network of demonstrators helping schools & colleges in England to develop and improve their digital strategies.


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