Estates & facilities

Discovery has a dedicated estates and facilities management function that works to support the delivery of our ‘no limit’ education strategy.

Discovery estates & facilities

Our strategic aim is to ensure that children learn, and staff work in safe and engaging environments, as well as maximising our school sites opportunities for the best outcomes of children. Discovery works in partnership with its schools to prioritise capital repairs and there is a comprehensive ‘Planned Preventative Maintenance programme in place for each school.

Completed projects

2016/17: New year 6 building Captain’s Close Primary School: a new year 6 classroom built in partnership with GSS Architecture and SCA Construction.

207/18 Expansion of Farndon Fields Primary School: a significant project to expand the school from a 210 to 420 place primary school in partnership with YMD Boon and MJE Contracts.

Current projects (completion dates subject to coronavirus restrictions)

  • Developing a SEND Resource Hub at Captain’s Close Primary School
  • New classmates at Greystoke Primary School
  • Expansion of Parkland Primary School
  • Redevelopment of reception area Danemill primary School