At Discovery Trust, we pride ourselves in being able to develop and enrich our school sites with improvements to the learning environment

Creating fantastic schools, inside and out.

Exciting and engaging learning spaces are essential to inspire our pupils to achieve their full potential. We work with each individual school to help establish and deliver an aspirational Estate Development Plan. Our dedicated team of estate leaders and premises officers work together closely to ensure Discovery schools are fantastic inside and out.
Here are a few examples of our successes across our schools.

Redlands Primary School: Roof & Window Repairs


In March 2023, we started a renovation project at Redlands Primary School to repair and repaint the windows and fascias of the old Victorian building to bring it back to its former glory. Summer 2023, we begin work internally to replace 16 fire doors sets and redecorate the main corridor.


Here are some photos both during repairs and upon completion.

Woolden Hill Primary School: Replacement External Windows & Doors


We are concluding a whole school project to replace external windows and doors at Woolden Hill Primary School. We commenced phase 3 of 4 of this project in February 2023, completing the north side of the building. Easter 2023, we have carried out the west side of the building.


H&S & Regulatory Compliance

We work with our school premises officers to ensure our school site to remain in having excellent H&S and regulatory compliance of school buildings and sites. We have a wide-range package of support to schools, including immediate access to information, advice and guidance, supportive quality assurance exercises and early action to remedy and issues. Our schools have direct access to high quality and comprehensive external contractors to ensure our school remain safe and compliant.