CPD PE expert videos
Physcial Literacy
Positive Experiences in PE - Adam Hoult
Elizabeth Wright - PE Teachmeet
Emma Mackenzie Hogg Supporting Covid recovery & ensuring sustainable impact through the Primary PE & Sport Premium
Emma Mackenzie-Hogg / Catherine Fitzpatrick Exploring whether the physical education curriculum is ‘fit for purpose’
Bryn Llewellyn - Do we need to sit to learn? Taking Learning outside.
Natalie Jackson - Running like a girl - the gender sport gap at primary school
Omar Green - Are we truly diversifying PE? Putting every child at the heart of PE?
Building an Active School that engages all learners – Chris Wright
Katy Rogers - Positioning PE at the heart of school life - support, guidance ad advice for PE subject leads
Matt Whiteley - #GoVipers
Grant Huddleston Prepared to teach PE: The feelings of primary trainees as they approach their NQT year and the implications related to schools and staff
Discovery Trust have regular job opportunities in a wide range of roles within their schools and Central team.
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Discovery Trust are consulting on the proposed reduction of the Published Admission Number (PAN) for Greystoke Primary School, Farndon Fields Primary School and Redlands Primary School. We propose to reduce the Pupil Admission Number (PAN) for the Reception Year Group for the following schools for September 2026/27 academic year and arrangements will continue in subsequent years, subject to any […]
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